10th Annual Conference on the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive
Competition Law Research Center, Pázmány Péter Catholic University
13 May 2022
Hybrid conference; Venue: Dentons Réczica Law Firm (Budapest, Andrássy u. 11.)
Chair of the morning sessions: Tihamer Tóth, PPKE Faculty of Law and Dentons Law Firm
9.30. Welcome by Pál Szilágyi, Director of the Competition Law Research Center and Tünde Gönczöl, co-head of the competition practice group of Réczicza Dentons
9.40-10.00. Opening remarks by László Bak, vice-president of the GVH
10.00-10.20. Kilian McDonagh-Diț (EU Commission, DG Justice): Strengthening the UCPD as regards greenwashing and early obsolescence
10.20-10.30 Discussion
Coffee Break
10.50-12.10. First panel: recent developments at national level
Panel members: Antonio Mancini (AGCM, the Italian Competition Authority), Piotr Adamczewski (UOKIK, the Polish Competition Authority), Izabella Szoboszlai (GVH), Laurance Hall (CMA, UK, online)
12.10-12.30 Discussion
12.30-13.30. Lunch Break
Chair of the afternoon sessions: Tünde Gönczöl
13.30-14.30. second panel: kids ads
Panel members: Melinda Hal (MCC), Antonio Mancini (AGCM), Andrea Zenisek (GVH)
14.30-15.30 third panel: the new rules on price discounts
Panel members: Nikoletta Keszthelyi (deputy state secretary, ITM), Monika Namyslowska (University of Lodz, online), Orsolya Mikola (retail sector), Antonio Mancini (AGCM)
Participation is free of charge, but subject to registration till May 10, 2022.
Please send your e-mail to Noemi Suri, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. www.ucpdirective.com